Dear reader,
While reading “Husband Stitch”, from Her Body and Other Parties, I noticed one thing about this story that stood out from other books. This is one of the most descriptive pieces I have ever read, and the most engaged I’ve ever been with a story. The details of the woman’s sex life allow the readers to engage with the story and draw their attention to it fully. It’s almost like a romance story, except it has a lot of details about sex and it could almost make you picture it however way you want to picture it. The story reminds me of pornographic content, but with a healthier and better way to consume it.
While reading, I have always been curious about what the woman’s “ribbon” symbolizes. As I progressed in the story, I concluded that the ribbon may have some kind of symbolic meaning that relates to security. The ribbon symbolizes something that allows a woman to feel safe while wearing it, almost like a cover a woman puts on to have a sense of security for herself against the cruel world out there. I came to this conclusion, especially after learning that the woman had been sexually abused by her teacher while she was a child. The woman also does not allow her husband nor her child to ever touch the ribbon, showing that it does not matter how close you are to the woman and that the ribbon is something that is a symbol of protection, a sense of security, for the woman herself only, and no one else could get past this boundary.

In this photo, it symbolizes the importance of the “green ribbon” for the woman, giving the woman a sense of security in a world that is filled with cruelty. Although the woman is still part of society, the presence of the green ribbon itself is enough to draw a certain “boundary” between the woman and the world, giving her a sense of security. This is also why she wouldn’t allow her husband and son to touch it, as it is something that only she can have control over.